Construction chemicals

Construction chemicals

SUPERGRUNT PRO - Surface primer

Supergrunt PRO- the preparation is designed for priming and strengthening the surface of excessively or irregularly absorbent and dusty substrates with sufficient bearing capacity, as well as for reducing the absorption capacity of porous substrates. It can be used both outdoors and indoors.

Preparation of the substrate before application on:
Gypsum plasters, wallpapers, paints, adhesive mortars, poured floors.
Can be used on:
aerated concrete, plaster on mineral binders (cement, lime, gypsum), untreated surfaces made of ceramic or lime-sand cement, gypsum, plasterboard and impregnated wood-based materials.

The product is ready to use. Apply by brush or paint roller, at ambient temperature from +5°C to +30°C. In case of highly absorbent surfaces, re-prime after drying, i.e. after 2-4 hours. Fresh coatings should be protected from moisture and frost.

Available containers : 1, 5, 10, 20 liters.

Flow Rate:
0,05 to 0,2 l per 1 m2



SUPER DEEP PENETRING GROUND – used for priming substrates prior to laying ceramic tile, pouring floors, filling, putting, painting and applying finish gypsum coatings. It is designed to penetrate and strengthen the surface of unevenly absorbent and incoherent substrates. The product can be used both outside and inside the building.


Recommended for: old and weak substrates, gypsum, anhydrite, ceramic, concrete, cement-bonded particleboard, cement-lime, gypsum non-impregnated gypsum plasterboard.


The product is ready for direct use. For poured floors,  dilute with water 1:1, for highly absorbent and weak substrates, and for gypsum and gypsum board substrates for the first priming you can use the preparation diluted with water from 1:1 to 1:2.

Available containers: 1, 5, 10, 20 liters.


0.05 to 0.2 liters per 1 m2


BONDING GRUNT Surface priming - binder, primer for concrete


BONDING GRUNT – is intended for priming dense, weakly and moderately absorbent substrates under all kinds of mineral and organic plasters. The product creates a bonding layer with high bearing capacity between the substrate and plaster, adhesive or floor and reduces the absorption of the substrate.


Bonding layer: before pouring floors, fixing ceramic tiles, traditional and mechanical plastering.


Before applying primer  BONDING GRUNT  on concrete, the substrate should be primed: absorbent from Supergrunt PRO, slightly absorbent base from SUPER DEEP PENETRING GROUND.

When applying the product on new mineral substrates, allow a period of at least 2 weeks. Apply the product by brush or roller at ambient temperatures from +5 to +30°C. Mix thoroughly before use.

 Do not dilute.

Available containers: 7, 14, 21 kg.


0,2 to 0,4 kg per 1 m2


BONDING GRUNT PLUS Surface priming - bonding layer


BONDING GRUNT PLUS is a modern product with very high efficiency, designed for priming dense, light to medium absorbent substrates, including GRC architectural concrete slabs. BONDING GRUNT PLUS is excellent as a bonding layer before pouring floors, fixing ceramic tiles, traditional and mechanical plastering.


On mineral substrates such as: concrete, cement plaster and cement-lime plaster, substrates coated with well bonded paint coatings based on plastics, varnishes and oil paints, gypsum board including water resistant OSB boards, ceramic tiles, glaze and GRC concrete slabs.


Before applying BONDING GRUNT PLUS, prime an absorbent substrate with Supergrunt PRO and a slightly absorbent substrate with SUPER DEEP PENETRING GROUND. When applying the product to newly created mineral substrates, allow it to cure for at least 2 weeks. Apply the product by brush or roller at ambient temperatures from +5°C to +30°C. Mix the product thoroughly before use. 

Do not dilute.

Available containers: 7, 14, 21kg.


0.2 to 0.4 kg per 1 m2



PLASTERING GROUND Machine priming of the surface, plastering primer


PLASTERING GROUND is a product designed for surface priming and consolidation of excessively or irregularly absorbent and dusty substrates with sufficient bearing capacity, where deep penetration is not required.


Surface priming is performed on substrates such as: concrete, silicate, porotherm, cement plaster, cement-lime plaster, porous concrete, plasterboard.

The product reduces and equalizes the absorbency of medium and highly absorbent substrates.

Recommended for: light plaster, gypsum plaster, plasterboard adhesive.


The product is sold in concentrated form and is used in dilution for bases: – highly absorbent – 1:2, less absorbent – 1:3. Apply the product by brush or paint roller at ambient temperature from +5 to +30°C.

 Drying time is from 4 to 24 hours.

Available containers: 5, 10, 20 kg.


0.1 to 0.2 liters per 1 m2

GUARD KLINKER OIL Surface protection


GUARD KLINKER OIL is a product for the protection and maintenance of clinker, facing brick, ceramic tile and other unglazed ceramic surfaces.


Temporary protection of the clinker surface against dirt during the application of the fugue.


 Revitalizes and refreshes color, reduces sensitivity to dirt and stains.

Available containers: 1, 5, 20 liters.


0.01 to 0.06 liters per 1 m2


DESOLWER KLINKER PRO - Surface cleaning


DESOLWER KLINKER PRO is a preparation for cleaning clinker, ceramic and stone tiles.


Removal of impurities, dirt and scale after all kinds of cement and lime mortars, salt efflorescence, rust, limestone.


In undiluted form: intense cement stains and cement mortars.

In diluted form:

1:3-5 stains after cement and cement mortar

1:5-10 residues of lime mortar and salt efflorescence

1:10-15 rust and water stains (limestone).

Available containers: 1, 5, 20 liters





DESOLWER PRO - Surface cleaning


Desolwer PRO- is a preparation intended for removing remains of concrete and cement from excavators, concrete pumps, tractors, drills, concrete mixers, and can also be used to remove impurities, dirt and coatings from all types of cement and lime mortars, rust stains, limestone, etc.. It can be used on ceramic and stone tiles, fired bricks, chrome-plated, varnished, stainless steel and plastic surfaces.


The product can be used on ceramic and stone tiles, burnt bricks, chrome plated, lacquered, stainless steel and plastic surfaces. Desolwer PRO is suitable for cleaning the surfaces of new buildings and industrial premises, as well as after their renovation.


In un-dispersed form: intense cement stains and grout.

In diluted form:

1:3-5 cement and grout stains,

1:5-10 residues of lime mortar and salt efflorescence,

1:10-15 rust and water stains (limestone).

Available containers: 1, 5, 20 liters.




POLISOL PRO - Surface cleaning


Polisol PRO is an effective and very efficient product designed to remove residues, dirt and deposits after different types of polymer adhesives, primers and emulsion paints. Also suitable for removing dirt, sludge and stains caused by oils and greases.


Used for cleaning: ceramic, stone, clinker tiles, 

as well as: concrete, mosaic, chrome, lacquered, glass, stainless steel and plastic surfaces.


Depending on the intensity and type of contamination, the preparation can be used undiluted or diluted with water in maximum ratio: 1:5. Especially heavily soiled areas should be soaked in the product without dilution and left for about 15 minutes. Then you can proceed to the removal of contaminants. In any case, the cleaned surface should be thoroughly washed with clean water. Before application, it is recommended to conduct a cleaning test. The product may cause discoloration of plastic surfaces. The product removes even very old dirt.

Available containers: 1, 5, 20 liters.



GUARDBET - Protection of concrete surfaces

Description :

GUARDBET is a water-based polymeric concrete protectant that gives concrete a rich color.


Sidewalks, parking lots, garages.


Made from modified polymers creates a clear, water-resistant film. Creates an ideal base for maintenance emulsions, applied as a covering or abrasive layer. The protective layer facilitates the removal of chewing gum residues during machine cleaning of the surface.

Available containers: 1, 5, 20 liters.


0.05 to 0.2 liters per 1 m2


CERAMIC GUARD - Surface protection


CERAMICGUARD – designed for impregnation and protection against contamination of substrates with high water absorption.


Unglazed ceramics, porous stone, cement mortars such as joints.


Impregnation of this type of surface with the preparation results in increased water resistance, resistance to contamination by oils, grease, coffee, tea, etc. After drying CERAMICGUARD creates a durable colorless protective coating, gives a delicate shine and fresh look, and the elements covered with it become easier to care for. The product is solvent-free, effective and easy to use.

Available containers: 1, 5, 20 liters.


0,04 to 0,07 liters per 1 m2



GUARDBRUK - Paving stone protection


GUARDBRUK- professional preparation for the care and protection of paving stones, old paving stones and concrete elements. The product perfectly protects the surface, enhances the color and protects against fading. The applied layer facilitates the removal of chewing gum during machine cleaning of the surface.


Paving stones, old paving stones, concrete elements.


GUARDBRUK – has good resistance to alkalis, high adhesion to any type of substrate and resistance to wear. GUARDBRUK is sold ready for direct application. For less absorbent surfaces the preparation can be diluted with water in the ratio: 1:3. It is recommended to apply two layers, the second layer should be applied before the previous one dries. The preparation can also be used for impregnation by immersion method. For this purpose it is diluted with water in the ratio 1:4,5.

Available containers: 1, 5, 20 liters.


0.1 to 0.3 liters per 1 m2


HYDRO-STOP B - Surface hydrophobization


Hydro-stop B- the latest generation surface impregnation preparation based on hydrophobic silanes and siloxanes.


Mineral bases such as:

brick, marble silicate brick, natural sandstone mineral plasters

building materials made of: 

clay, aerated concrete, fiber cement, mineral fibers and lightweight aggregate, marble. 

Not suitable for less absorbent, dense natural stone, especially limestone.


Hydro-stop B impregnated materials are characterized by a perfect “pearl effect” of water on the surface and acquire self-cleaning properties during precipitation. Impregnated surfaces are alkali-resistant. 

The impregnation does not clog pores and capillaries and therefore does not alter the natural “breathing” properties of the substrate.

Available containers: 1, 5, 20 liters.


0.1 to 0.4 liters per 1 m2

LITOCRYSTAL - Polished concrete technology


Litocrystal –is a liquid hardener that crystallizes in the structure of concrete. It is used to renovate old and refine new concrete floors, including surface-hardened and polished ones. Litocrystal is an agent based on lithium silicates which, by entering a chemical reaction with concrete ingredients, modifies its structure. Can be used for indoor and outdoor applications.

The main advantages of Litocrystal are:
• additional hardening and sealing of the concrete floor,
• increasing the hardness of the floor,
• increased resistance to abrasion, UV radiation, mechanical and chemical damage,
• creation of a moisture-resistant (hydrophobization) and dust-free surface,
• easy single-layer application,
• molecular size of lithium particles providing deeper penetration and longer-lasting protection,
• improving the appearance of the floor.

Concrete surfaces, sidewalks, parking spaces, garages, shops.


The main advantages of Litorystal L are: additional strengthening and compaction of the concrete floor, increased floor hardness, increased resistance to wear, ultraviolet radiation, mechanical and chemical damage, creation of a moisture-resistant (hydrophobic) and dust-free surface, easy single-layer application, deeper penetration and durable protection, improved surface appearance.

Available capacities: 1, 5, 20 l.


Fresh troweled concrete 0.07 – 0.09 kg/1m2
Used troweled concrete 0.07 – 0.11 kg/1m2
Polished troweled concrete 
0.07 – 0.09 kg/1m2


Fresh troweled concrete 12 – 16 m2/1L
Used troweled concrete 10 – 16 m2/1L
Polished troweled concrete 
12 – 16 m2/1L

UFI: MF30-60AF-S002-9UEM


LITOCRYSTAL L - Polished concrete technology


Litocrystal L is a liquid hardener that crystallizes in the concrete structure. Used to repair old and improve new concrete floors, including surface hardened and polished ones. Litocrystal L is a product based on lithium silicates, which, by entering into a chemical reaction with concrete components, changes its structure.


Concrete surfaces, sidewalks, parking spaces, garages, shops.


The main advantages of Litorystal L are: additional strengthening and compaction of the concrete floor, increased floor hardness, increased resistance to wear, ultraviolet radiation, mechanical and chemical damage, creation of a moisture-resistant (hydrophobic) and dust-free surface, easy single-layer application, deeper penetration and durable protection, improved surface appearance.

Available capacities: 1, 5, 20 l.


Freshly poured concrete

0.07 – 0.09 kg/1m2

Used concrete

0.07 – 0.11 kg/1m2

Polished concrete

0.07 – 0.09 kg/1m2


LITOCRYSTAL CL - Polished concrete technology


Litocrystal CL is a hardener, sealant and protection against road salt and dust for concrete surfaces. A liquid product based on lithium silicates, which, by entering into a chemical reaction with concrete components, modifies its surface and provides effective protection against water and salts. Used to restore old and improve new concrete and stone surfaces.


Concrete surfaces, sidewalks, parking spaces, garages, shops.


The main advantages of Litocrystal CL are: protection of concrete surfaces from the harmful effects of road salt, additional strengthening and compaction of the concrete floor, increased hardness and durability, reduced dust, increased resistance to wear, weather conditions, mechanical and chemical damage, the formation of a hydrophobic layer on the surface, colorless and shiny floor covering, prevention of efflorescence and calcium leaching, easy single-layer application, no carcinogenic or mutagenic properties.

Available capacities: 1, 5, 20 L.


Freshly poured concrete

0.07 – 0.09 kg/1m2

Used concrete

0.07 – 0.11 kg/1m2

Polished concrete

0.07 – 0.09 kg/1m2



POLYFOR - Polished concrete technology


POLYFOR is a highly effective hardener, stain protection, finishing micro-coating for concrete floors. A water-based liquid product based on lithium silicates and polymers, which, by reacting chemically with concrete components, modifies its structure and creates a hydrophobic micro-coating with high chemical and mechanical properties perseverance.


Concrete surfaces, sidewalks, parking spaces, garages, the shops.


The main advantages of POLYFOR are: additional strengthening and sealing of concrete floors, increasing the hardness and durability of floors, increasing resistance to wear, stains, dust, as well as mechanical and chemical damage by creating a vapor-permeable micro-coating. Uniform, colorless and glossy floor covering, easy one-layer application and instant work, no solvents and harmful volatile compounds, no carcinogenic and mutagenic properties, deeper penetration and more durable protection, thanks to the appropriate molecular size of lithium ions. Protection and longer service life compared with surfaces made using other technologies, for example, polymer.

Available capacities: 1, 5, 20 L.


1st application 0.03 – 0.06 kg/1m2

2nd application 0.02 – 0.03 kg/1m2

3rd application 0.01 – 0.02 kg/1m2


STRONG SANDSIL - Surface reinforcement and sealing of geological formations


It is a silicate binder consisting of two components. After mixing them, the proper material is obtained, which binds loose soil grains with polycrystalline silica, in a manner analogous to the formation of nat-ural sandstone. The compressive strength of the substrate bonded in this way ranges from 3 to 6 MPa. The durability and chemical resistance of the bonded substrate – unlimited.


– injection or surface reinforcement and sealing of geological formations of various types
lithological and facies formations such as sandstones, sandy shales, alluvial deposits and other geologi-cal deposits with varying degrees of looseness and porosity
· strengthening and sealing dusty heaps and roads with unpaved, sandy surfaces
· strengthening, sealing and erosion protection of embankments, slopes, dunes and other such structures
hydrotechnical facilities and structures, including soils in contact with layers
aquifers, which are a source of drinking water
· sealing and bonding of rock mass in underground workings of mining plants extracting
all types of minerals with a degree of “a” and “b”   methane explosion hazard, and especially backfill sand lying in the ceiling or floor of the mined seam layer.

After mixing the ingredients, spray the surface; injection methods using specialized equipment.

Available capacities: 1, 5, 20 L.


150 dm3/m3 of soil (recommended for
complete soil strengthening)


Phone number:
+48 32 131 48 93

+48 538 472 479 – Viber, Telegram, WhatsApp


ul. Gliwicka 3 , 40-079 Katowice, Polska